Technology for the preparation of inverted syrup with citric acid

The high chemical activity of citric acid provides a high degree of sucrose inversion (up to 80-95%). Citric acid creates a level of acid reaction in the syrup as in natural honey (pH3.5-3.8). This has a positive effect on the digestion of bees. At the same time, active acidity is created in the intestines, which ensures the good functioning of the rectal glands and the formation of a sufficient amount of the catalase enzyme. The result is a good winter.

Inventory syrup requires 30% less consumption than classic syrup prepared by diluting sugar in hot water. If you fed 1 hive with 12 liters of classic syrup, then you need 8 liters of inventory syrup.

Syrup preparation technology

  1. In the process of inverting syrup, the main conditions are the concentration of the inverting substance (invert), the temperature regime and the inversion time at a given temperature.
  2. 70% syrup is being prepared, for example, for 10kg of sugar you need 4.3 liters of water, the total weight is 14.3kg. The sugar-water mixture is heated in a water bath to a predetermined temperature (70-100°C), periodically mixed, and after complete dissolution of sugar, invert (citric acid) is added. After adding the invert, the solution is actively mixed for 1 minute and then every 10 minutes.
  3. The concentration of invert is 2g of citric acid per 1kg of sugar (2.2g of citric acid monohydrate, sold in the store). Temperature regime - 70-100°C, inversion time at given temperatures - 90-70min (higher temperature - less inversion time).
  4. Upon completion of the inversion process, the resulting syrup must be quickly cooled to a temperature of 35-40°C.
Recommendations: for quick cooling, pour the prepared syrup into a large container and dilute it by 50% with the previously prepared cold syrup.