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Microbioserum aspirations

Dear friends,
Microbioserum is a Ukrainian R&D&I impact company that studies the impact of biological substances on people and the environment and creates technologies to improve our life.
We develop unique products to restore skin, hair and the human body. Of cause, we can't stop aging, but our products restore and maintain skin, hair and the human body in good condition for a long time.
The environment affects us, and we have chosen several areas that we want to change to make the future of our children safer and more comfortable.
Without bees, humanity will die in 20 years. We want to preserve bees and develop safe products for their health.
"Environmentally friendly" is a very dubious label. Tons of chemically synthesised fertilisers are applied to the soil every year to increase yields. We develop plant growth factors and creative technologies for their application with a zero carbon footprint, which, on the one hand, increase yields several times, and on the other hand, require only 1 gram of them instead of 1 tonne of classic fertilisers, which allows us to produce environmentally friendly products.
Our goal is to create products and technologies that solve both the problems of a particular person and humanity as a whole.
We hope that you share these values and are always ready to help!
Sincerely yours,
Denys Mohniev, Owner of Microbioserum

MICROBIOHUMANITARIUM - гуманітарні проекти Microbioserum

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  • "VulvodyniaBan"- жінки-військовослужбовці Сил оборони України (або демобілізовані), які як наслідок Посттравмати́чного стре́сового ро́зладу (ПТСР/PTSD) мають симтоми вульводиніі (вульвіту) можуть безкоштовно отримати препарати та технології Microbioserum для лікування та відновлення вульви

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